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Aluminum Fence Kit- Los Angeles Style


All hardware included (Only need concrete).


What’s in the kit?

* Aluminum Post (2.75″x2.75″) Quantities and lengths depending on the fence’s size.
* Aluminum top caps (2.75″x2.75″). Same quantity as posts
* Post Cover 6′ (.24″x1″x72″)
* Base plates with steel posts 4′ height. (To place in concrete or with 4 screws for slab or deck). Same quantity as posts
* Base cover (4.25″x4.25″x1″)
* Stainless steel L brackets with (1/2″x1/2″x1/2″). ** Quantity and length depends on the chosen size..
* #12 1″ self tapping screws stainless steel. ** Quantity and length depends on the chosen size.
* Aluminum slats (5.5″x.8″x72″) ** Quantity and length depends on the chosen size.
* 1/2″ aluminum spacers. ** Quantity and length depends on the chosen size.

Shipping Details:

3-8 Business Days delivery in all US states (Excluded Hawaii)

Box Weight

Weight 78lb-83lb

Box Dimension

13″W x 7″H x 79″L

  • Why is the 4x6 gate kit have only 6 slats and not 12?

    The maximum slat length you'll use is 36" (together with the frame, side posts and spacing it will gives you 48" total). Once you cut from your 72" slats you will get double the quantities.
  • How to build your own gate kit?

    To build the gate kit currectly follow our installation video on youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gChsMOs8UeA&t=38s) or download the instructions file.
  • Can I install my own gate?

    Absolutely, our gate kits specially design for DIY and easy installation using basic tools. To learn more watch the installation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gChsMOs8UeA&t=38s
  • What tools do I need to install the gate kit?

    The tools you'll need are: Miter saw with an aluminum blade, drill, hummer drill, level, tape measure and meter drill bits.


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Aluminum gate kit instructions

  • For printed instructions please download the PDF bellow and print it.


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