Back yard pool equipment enclosure, side fence and balcony railing.
All at the same design, 5.5” aluminum slats and 1” aluminum slats with ½” spacers between.
Color used id dark gray.
Back yard pool equipment enclosure, side fence and balcony railing.
All at the same design, 5.5” aluminum slats and 1” aluminum slats with ½” spacers between.
Color used id dark gray.
California’s Glendale has a population of 200,232. Glendale is located in Los Angeles County and is rated as one of the top places to live in California. Glendale provides its residents with a suburban-urban mixed vibe, and the vast majority of residents rent single-family homes.
There are no seasonably humid days in Glendale, and this city has a short, hot, dry summer and a long, rainy, cool winter. Temperatures typically range from 47°F to 88°F throughout the year, with temperatures infrequently dropping below 40°F or exceeding 96°F. As a result of the region’s highly unpredictable weather, many local homeowners prefer modern aluminum fences and gates to wooden fences that rot with time. Aluminum is used because of its exceptional stability, as it will not warp, shrink, or crack under any weather conditions.
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